spp for the education sector

our safe place project™ helps schools, colleges and universities show staff and students how to create a safer and more inclusive community on campus and in their university societies.

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what we do
we know how important students are in creating systemic societal change.
The Egalitarian offer community-led and data-driven workshops for students and staff to empower everyone in education and wider society to be effective allies for each other against unacceptable and harmful behaviours.

we show students how to identify forms of inappropriate behaviour such as sexual violence, rape culture and victim blaming and how they can intervene safely, calling our their friends and other students safely.

We will also work with your organisation to reiterate your reporting systems to students ensuring they are aware who to report these incidents to.
we specialise in:
Effective allyship
Overt AND COVERT intervention techniques
Sexual violence + RAPE CULTURE
Victim blaming
Hate incidents and hate crimes
workshopsour workshops focus on effective allyship, the backbone of the Safe Place Project. we help students understand harmful and unacceptable behaviours in education and wider society, and empower them to intervene safely to make a difference. students will be able to identify what makes behaviours such as spiking, sexual violence and hate crimes unacceptable and how this proliferates into creating an unsafe and exclusive society as a whole. effective allyship shows how small actions from individuals make a difference, and we will look at the two intervention techniques created by The Egalitarian. initially, we explain how overt techniques enable people to intervene directly with the perpetrator to prevent harm or further harm from occurring. then, we dive into covert techniques which focus on distraction and victim support.
every workshop we create is bespoke for your students. we’ll get on a call with you and chat about the topics you’d like us to focus on, whether they’re something that’s been missed within your curriculum or related to specific problems your school, college or university seems to be facing. another call with you prior to delivery will take place to go through our workshop and ensure it is exactly what you want from our Safe Place Project. our workshops can be long or short, and we can fit multiple in a day should you wish.

we will also ensure that our training works in parallel to any reporting systems you already have in place. our meetings and consultation with you mean our training will not only incorporate the principles of your organisation but also draw on learnings from previous training you have already delivered.
relevant content
we know that our workshops present students with eye opening perspectives on issues that may be normalised in their daily lives. during the workshops students will discuss why these may be wrong, and speak about real life experiences from our community that show the harm that can be caused by these incidents.

signage will be provided for your institution to encourage respectful behaviour and empower victims, and other merchandise such as stickers for students to take home.
useful downloads
download our Service Guides for more information on our approach, training topics and processes.
useful downloads
download our Service Guides for more information on our approach, training topics and processes.
100% of staff rated our training as “useful” or “very useful.”
100% of staff rated our training as “useful” or “very useful.”
100% of staff rated our training as “useful” or “very useful.”
100% of staff rated our training as “useful” or “very useful.”
100% of staff rated our training as “engaging” or “very engaging.”
100% of staff rated our training as “engaging” or “very engaging.”
100% of staff rated our training as “engaging” or “very engaging.”
100% of staff rated our training as “engaging” or “very engaging.”
100% of managers felt more confident in their job role as a result of our training.
100% of managers felt more confident in their job role as a result of our training.
100% of managers felt more confident in their job role as a result of our training.
100% of managers felt more confident in their job role as a result of our training.
100% of staff said the training would be “easy” or “very easy” to implement.
100% of staff said the training would be “easy” or “very easy” to implement.
100% of staff said the training would be “easy” or “very easy” to implement.
100% of staff said the training would be “easy” or “very easy” to implement.
contact us
get in touch today to get your venue certified with our Safe Place Project™