case study
York University's Students' Union Social Officers

York University Students' Union (YUSU) is committed to fostering an inclusive and safe environment for its diverse student body. Recognizing the importance of addressing issues related to safety and harm prevention during social events, YUSU became a part of our Safe Place Project.

We ran a workshop with events, social and engagement officers from YUSU’s many societies and sports teams that looked at how to run safe socials as an effective ally. Our workshop covered topics such as sexual violence, spiking, excessive drinking culture, exclusive practice and games. 

Our workshop included detailed discussions and interactive activities on the various risks associated with social events, ways to recognise, address and escalate concerning behaviours, and strategies for creating a safer social environment.

Prior to the workshop, we conducted a survey among our community to gather data on their experiences with student socials and any harms they may have experienced. The survey results were used to tailor the workshop content and highlight the prevalence of issues within the student community. 

Our community research included shocking results, including:

100% have witnessed or experienced misogyny at socials, 72% saw it frequently

83% have witnessed or experienced sexual harassment at socials, 72% saw it frequently

86% have witnessed or experienced homophobia at socials, 52% saw it frequently 

88% have witnessed or experienced classism at socials, 69% saw it frequently 

94% have witnessed coercive drinking cultures

Participants were educated on the significance of creating social events that are safe spaces for all attendees. Strategies to discourage excessive drinking culture, avoid exclusionary dress themes, and promote inclusivity were emphasised to foster a supportive and respectful social environment.

The workshop concluded with an in-depth session on covert and overt ally intervention techniques. Participants learned practical ways to support their peers, intervene in risky real-life situations, and provide assistance to those in need while ensuring their safety and well-being.

The collaboration between YUSU and The Egalitarian on running safer socials demonstrates their commitment to creating a safer and more inclusive university environment. By empowering students with the knowledge and skills needed to promote safety and prevent harm, YUSU continues to foster a culture of respect, consent, and accountability within the university community.

If you’re part of a student’s union or university and would like us to work with your staff and/or students on creating a Safe Place, get in touch. Find out more about the work we do with the education sector here.

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"Working with the Egalitarian team was fantastic. They took the hassle out of planning a session taking our initial ideas away and coming back with a well thought out proposal to cover all the topics we discussed. The session delivery was then really well received by our student group leaders who's feedback showed they valued the knowledgeable and approachable style of the presenters on what can be difficult topics to discuss and engage with. We will be looking to work with them again in the future!"‍ Zac Sheppard, YUSU Opportunities Manager
Andy, Venue Manager
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"Working with the Egalitarian team was fantastic. They took the hassle out of planning a session taking our initial ideas away and coming back with a well thought out proposal to cover all the topics we discussed. The session delivery was then really well received by our student group leaders who's feedback showed they valued the knowledgeable and approachable style of the presenters on what can be difficult topics to discuss and engage with. We will be looking to work with them again in the future!"‍ Zac Sheppard, YUSU Opportunities Manager
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