In advance of The Right to Walk team of Guardians attending music events in Leeds to demonstrate a safeguarding presence, we thought it was important to give them an overall view of the types and levels of risk in clubs. We ran our session online so it was easy for the entire team to attend. We discussed overall mechanisms to have a proactive position, safeguarding ethos and be a friendly face at club events, then applied these to real life scenarios during group work activities. We learnt the importance of victim support and when we should be involving emergency services, as well as the different ways to ensure people get home safe who have shown they’re vulnerable or need help. Our file of training materials have been provided to everyone at Right to Walk to ensure they always have access to the information they need whilst out there conducting such important work. We’re privileged to work with such a great group of people looking to make a difference in the night time economy, and have created collaborative merchandise to celebrate our partnership.